Is Shambhala A Cult? Part 1: An Integrative Experiential Perspective
by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D. November, 2017
As I traverse through my late 60’s, to my utter surprise I have found myself involved with a spiritual community, the Shambahala organization,1 which has…..
The next Creative Artists Support Group meeting that I facilitate
is taking place at the Belfast, Maine library on Monday 3/14 from
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. This is a monthly support/discussion group for
people interested in developing their creative artistic potentials.
Find like-minded creative spirits and camaraderie in overcoming
the obstacles to become a successful creative artist.
BENJAMIN, ELLIOT. (2011). Modern religions: An experiential analysis and
expose´. Raleigh, NC: 377 pp. 978-1-257-08261-2. Paperback,
$18.44. Reviewed by Nori Muster.
Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D., describes his experiences in a variety of new age
spiritual organizations, most of which are psychology-based groups. He
describes each group and offers his ratings based on three academic scales in
use since the 1970s: the Anthony Typology, the Wilber Integral Model, and the
This article was published in January, 2016 on the Integral World website at
Andrew Cohen’s Apology Ex-student/Author Marlowe Sand Responds Elliot Benjamin
I had not intended to write any more essays about Andrew Cohen, as I thought I had put closure on my thoughts about whether Cohen’s May, 2015 apology was “truly sincere, manipulative, or other” [1]. However, about…..
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2015, Vol. 47, No. 1
BENJAMIN, ELLIOT (2013). e Creative Artist: Mental Disturbance and Mental
Health . Raleigh, NC: Lulu Publishing Services. 452 pp. ISBN 978-1-48340-355-
7, Paperback, $24.50. Reviewed by Ruth Richards.
This unique book, e Creative Artist, Mental Disturbance and Mental Health,
by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D., should perhaps be classified as autoethnography
and is a very readable gift of personal sharing and artistic promise. Here one
NOTE: This article was published in 2015 in Pinnacle Sociology & Anthropology, ISSN: 2360-959X.
Divine Light Mission: Cultic Commitment Over A Lifetime Story
Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D.
Accepted 30 August 2015
This article describes the commitment to the religious organization Elan Vital (whose original name was Divine Light Mission) over a lifetime
through the author’s intermittent correspondence with a childhood friend for over 40 years. Elan Vital was rated by the author in…..
Pinnacle Psychology
(ISSN: 2360-9508)
© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
Humanistic Antidotes for a Social Media Technology Addicted Society
Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D.
Accepted 30 August, 2015.
This article describes some of the serious growing concerns about the dangers of widespread social media technology addiction in U.S. society,
and virtually all over the world. These concerns are especially prominent regarding the excessive use of social…..
NOTE: This article was published in the Journal of Number Theory, 2015, Issue 154, pp. 118-143.
On the 2-Class Field Tower Conjecture for Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields
with 2-Class group of Rank 4
by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D. February, 2015
We demonstrate the existence of infinitely many new imaginary quadratic number fields k with 2-class group Ck,2of rank 4 such that k has infinite 2-class field tower. In particular, we demonstrate the existence of…..